


Aman Mahajan

Apoorva Krishna

Sricharan Sunder

Kenneth Besterwitch

Joey Sharma

Sammy David

Kapil Dalal

Rohit PS

Dhani Muniz

Leeanne Besterwitch


August 19th 2018.

 We had an unforgettable time at the Courtyard Koota Jazz Festival, immersing ourselves in the vibrant jazz scene of the city. The festival featured incredible performances by talented musicians, including the dynamic Pockets and Changes, the insightful Conversations on Jazz led by Dhani Muniz, the mesmerizing Joey Sharma Trio, and the reflective sounds of REFUGE featuring Apoorva Krishna. The intimate atmosphere allowed the audience to interact with the artists, creating a truly special experience. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made the day a memorable celebration of jazz!

Pocket and changes 

We had an extraordinary time with Pockets and Changes, the up-and-coming contemporary jazz trio from Bangalore. The audience was captivated by their unique blend of funk, jazz, pop, Indian folk, and improvisation. Multifaceted pianist Leeanne Besterwitch, bassist Sricharan Sunder, and drummer Kenneth Besterwitch delivered a mesmerizing performance, striking the perfect balance between composition and improvisation. Their musical communication and dynamic exploration left everyone in awe. Thank you to all who joined us for this unforgettable musical journey!

Jazz Talks

We had an enlightening experience exploring the contextual art of jazz, where countless phrases and ideas created beautiful sounds over chords, giving rise to styles like swing, bebop, gypsy, avant-garde, post-bop, and fusion. Guided by Dhani Muniz, the musicians exposed the nuances and overlaps of these styles through the deconstruction, exploration, and celebration of a single song. The improvisers and audience redefined concepts of ‘wrong’ and ‘right,’ communicating through the pure language of sound. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this immersive musical journey!

Joey Sharma Trio

We were mesmerized by the Joey Sharma Trio’s enchanting performance at Courtyard Koota. Joey Sharma, a leading exponent of jazz manouche in India, showcased his versatile guitar skills alongside Sammy David on rhythm guitar and Kapil Dalal on upright bass. The trio delivered the iconic dual-guitar richness of gypsy jazz, a swing music style pioneered by Django Reinhardt and Stéphane Grappelli in the 1930s. The audience was captivated by their masterful rendition and the timeless charm of the genre. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable musical journey!


We were deeply moved by REFUGE, a reflective musical journey exploring themes of home and inward exploration. The performance, a perfect blend of structure and improvisation, resonated universally with the audience. Featuring the soulful sounds of Apoorva Krishna on violin, Rohit PS on the drum set, Dhani Muniz on electric bass, and composer Aman Mahajan on piano, the diverse instrumentation added a rich, emotive layer to the experience. Thank you to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable musical journey.