
Makkala Masti


Children of Doddabele Village
Directed by Nandini RamMohan
Music by Geeta RamMohan


February 24th 2019

“Maha Mosalle” by Makkala Masti – Children’s Theatre program
directed by Nandini Ram Mohan.
For the past three months we have been surrounded by the energy and enthusiasm of the children from the nearby construction camp. What started as a children’s theater workshop, evolved into a fantastic performance. Nandini patiently worked with and directed the children in the kannada adaptation of The Enormous Crocodile, called “Maha Mosalle”
From reluctant and restless participants, we saw the children morph into confident and almost bold performers, determined to put up a good show. For the parents, who initially were hesitant to send the children for the sessions, they left the performance proud of their wards and happy.

A sense of fulfillment and the hint of new directions… it was a fantastic show.

The Makkala Masti Program is designed and conducted by Nandini Rammohan, conceived as an inclusive theatre program for children from diverse socio-economic backgrounds. While the focus group is the underprivileged, we hope to one day have a mixed group of children including those from other sections of society, in a program that encourages them to learn from one another. The vision behind this initiative is to inculcate a spirit of learning and curiosity through the arts among all people in the extended neighbourhood. Starting with the youth, we plan to eventually include the adults from these groups.

Listening to and telling stories, working with their bodies, expressing themselves clearly, and learning to work as a team are some of the facets of theatre the children have been exploring. Most of them have responded with great enthusiasm, taking to the stage like fish to water. Some others stepped into the idea tentatively but evolved into fairly confident participants.