


Ranjani Vasuki


February 3rd 2019

Ragavalli Fine Arts Foundation

Demystifying Ragas – Ranjani Vasuki

Raga Mohanam

Raga Mohanam, also known as Bhoop or Bhoopali in Hindustani Music, is one of the most widely used pentatonic ragas and permeates the music of different cultures across the planet. Its unmatched range and versatility has ensured that it finds its way into all genres of music. Little surprise then, that it is one of the most widely used ragas in Indian film music and has immortalized many singers along the way. In this attempt to bridge the gap between classical music and music lovers, we will be led by the melodies of legends like Lata Mangeshkar, Ghantasala and P Susheela among others.

Ragavalli Fine Arts Foundation a culmination of our yearning to give something back to classical arts. Through this endeavor, we hope to bring a multitude of classical performing arts to the community, and, in the process, enhance the cultural ambience of our little world. While the primary focus will be on music, our own interests across multiple arts will ensure that other performing arts will find adequate representation. As with all such endeavours, it is the whole-hearted participation of the members of the community that will sustain our efforts. –Ranjani Vasuki and Vasuki HA